Some Hints On Using MAID On The Internet:
Access to MAID:
You can search for any of the words or phrases in the all available Newsletters. Access is controlled by the password you are using already. You can search in our sections (DEV, ATC, CAT, CON, GSE, MRO, OPS or ALL) or in a particular issue (#...) by using a combination of words and operators. A full-text search will then be performed and results will be available in Text or PDF format.
Looking for countries/regions:
When looking for international news items (e.g. ACI news, IATA news, etc) enter International: (note the colon!) - otherwise the program will display every international airport etc. it can find.
For most countries, please enter the current name in English. Also try the adjective (e.g. Greek if you are looking for Greek airports, Dutch for airports in the Netherlands)
When looking for U.S. news, enter USA and U.S. to find all items. 'United' allone may also find the airline or other combinations with United.
The United Kingdom is abbreviated U.K.; the United Arab Emirates UAE
The People's Republic of China is simply China; The Republic of China/Taiwan is Taiwan - to avoid confusion.
South Korea/Republic of Korea is called Korea; North Korea is North Korea
Looking for airports:
Use the common name (e.g. Heathrow, O'Hare, Fiumicino, Changi) or the respective city name (London, Chicago, Rome, Singapore).
Use local names rather than the English version (Göteborg rather than Gothenburg; Lyon rather than Lyons; Mallorca rather than Majorca), except for major airports (Brussels, Geneva, Vienna, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Warsaw, etc).
Some names have changed: Bombay is now Mumbai, Madras is Chennai; Rangoon has become Yangon. Try both versions to get complete results.
Looking for keywords:
We try to use generic names whenever possible; e.g. passenger bridges will be most likely found under this name or under boarding bridge (not Jetway, Airbridge, etc. because these are manufacturer designations; use these only when you are actually looking for these manufacturers).
The search engine will find all other forms of a word when the basic form is entered.
Enjoy working with MAID!
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